Spring is here and it is officially graduation season! And more and more graduated are getting professional photos to celebrate the big accomplishment!
It's an exciting time to finally be able to celebrate all the accomplishments you have earned, whether finishing high school or college!
Leading up to graduation is a huge and stressful rush! Students are trying to finish strong during final exams and hoping to pass so they do not have to register for another semester! They are dealing with an immense amount of pressure to pass all of their classes, as well as feeling sort of sad that this chapter of life is coming to an end.
At least that is how I felt when graduating college...
I'll tell you about my graduation experience shortly, but first... I want to recognize the students who were robbed of the traditional graduation experience due to COVID-19.
2020 rolled around and shit hit the fan... in more ways than imaginable. We all can agree that 2020 will forever be remembered as one of the most insane years in history. I don't want to dive too deep into 2020, but I do want to say that everyone had different experiences throughout that year.
I'm here to talk about all of the students who were completely robbed of a "normal" college/high school graduation during this time.
Thousands of graduates were robbed of the traditional graduation ceremony! They did not get the chance to walk across the stage, shake hands with the Dean and accept their very, very expensive piece of paper! Don't get me wrong, some individuals could care less... but I am sure many parents were quite upset! They waited for years to see their child all dressed up in a cap and gown.
This is why more and more students are getting professional photographs taken to capture their graduation memories! It's a simple way to celebrate their accomplishments by having the photos to keep as forever memories!
You put in all of the hard work to earn your degree... why not celebrate and show off the photos of you holding your diploma with your cap and gown on?
Heck I did! I don't want to brag, but I was extremely lucky to graduate in 2019... right before everything changed.
Which is why I feel so deeply for those who were unable to attend a proper graduation ceremony in 2020-2021. However, I truly believe in making the best out of any situation!
And if I was being honest, my college graduation day was absolute chaos! I was slightly miserable! I was exhausted from final exams and packing up my apartment to move out at the end of the week.

I also attended Rutgers University, where the commencement must of had over 20,000 people piled into the stadium. It was extremely crowded and everyone was sweltering in the heat. My parents are also divorced and came separately with various family members so it was hard to coordinate where to meet up with such large crowds.
However, I feel I should not complain.... at least I got to dress up in a cap and gown!
BUT.... looking back at my whole graduation experience... I have to say I am extremely thankful I took photos of myself in my cap and gown a few days before graduation!
The best decision I've ever made!
You can tell a clear difference between my pre-graduation photos and day-of-graduation photos. My pre-graduation photos I looked truly happy and excited! Not stressed, exhausted and sweaty!
Each time I think back to graduation, I think about running around campus, stress free, taking photos with my roommates! It was a blast!
So if there's anything you should take away from reading this blog... it's that you should carve out the time, do your hair and get some graduation photos of yourself!
It'll be worth it years down the line when you have these photos to look back on!